Thursday, October 3, 2013

Technology and Innovation Project
Course Description:
Essential Question:  What is the importance of technology?  How/why do we use technology, and how does it influence our lives?
Some would argue that the 'wheel' was humankind's first contribution to technology.  It all started with the wheel…or did it?  What was important about the wheel?  Was the wheel a simple, often ignored piece of technology that forever changed the face of human nature?  Was it for the good of mankind and did it help growth and commerce?  Was it for the bad and contributed to the spread of war and disease?  Has the invention of the wheel changed us? 
We want you to think about technology in these terms. And, as a consequence of your thoughts, you will be examining the significance of technology--its cultural, economic and social significance.  In small groups you will be working on projects that include 3-5 students to discover, analyze and create a significant contribution to our community with new and emerging technology as the focus. Your projects will largely be self-directed with the support of TMP staff, materials and guidance.  Grades from this project will be integrated into TMP classes and will make up 20% of all English, Social Studies, Science and Math grades.  Students not taking TMP classes will receive credit for their work as well.
This project meets every Friday in the classroom or field from 9:30 to 12:00.  Attendance is mandatory.  There will be several field trips throughout the semester that will take all day, in which students will be released at 4:00. 
Field Trips:
There will be several all-day field trips planned for this project throughout the semester.  Whenever possible TMP will provide transportation.  Any field trips outside of Santa Fe will be provided by TMP, others may require you to provide your own transportation.
Major Assignments:
Grades for this project will be based on project assignments and participation.  Excellence is expected and assignments must be turned in on time for full credit. Larger assignments will be valued at 100 points.  The grades will be based on rubrics that assess for the following:
Summaries:  In your own words, you will need to summarize three articles relating to your research project.  The articles need to come from at least three different sources.  Wikipedia will not be allowed to be used as a source.  Every attempt will be made to use the highest level of research available. You will be expected to use scholarly journals (SFCC library)  and Internet approved materials and books.  Any outside research sources that require additional funding, such as the purchase of science kits (Raspberry Pi, Raspiro Robot, etc) will require your group to write a funding request and TMP will purchase the required materials.
Project Proposal: Your group will need to put together a project proposal which describes what you are going to do for your research project including all the details on the rubric. The group will present the project proposal to the school at a gathering. 100 points
Research Paper:  Each student will need to write their own research paper.  This is not a group research paper; however you may collaborate by peer review.  This is expected.  Data will be collected throughout the semester on field trips and during in-class research.  Each group will select their own research topic relating to New and Emerging technologies. 150 points.
Some possible topics are:
·         Mobile tech. (phones, laptops, etc.)
·         Energy and fuel (biomass, biowalls, etc.)
·         Community tech. (trains, crowdsourcing, etc)
·         Robotics (helping autistic children)
·         3-D modeling
·         Environmental/Terraforming
·         Planetary exploration
·         ISS lab experiments
·         Free Wi-Fi
·         Biomimicry
Blog:  Each student and group will be required to keep up with postings to the blog. You will be posting information about your group and your project to the blog.  The blog at is where you can submit your postings.
End of Semester Reflection: At the end of the semester a 500 word reflection on your project will be due.
Project Product:  Each group will need to create a project product that they will use in their final presentation.
Possible project products are:
·         Webpage/Poster
·         Powerpoint/Video
·         Public service presentation
·         Mural/Flipbook
·         Art display
·         Computer model
·         Mobile App
·         A Gadget

Due Dates: Will be assigned each week.  You will have homework although it will not  be frequent.

Possible Field Trips:
·         Bradbury Science Museum - Los Alamos
·         Space Port America - Truth or Consequences
·         White Sands -
·         Very Large Array - Socorro
·         Santa Fe Institute -
·         Galisteo Basin Preserve Star Party
·         Sandia Labs Hydrogen Fuel Competition

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