Monday, October 21, 2013

Technology and advancements

What will become of it?
What changes will occur?
How will it look?
          In the field of energy I think we will need to change our course soon. Using fossil fuels as we are  will cause the prices to go up as the resources are depleted. So, we need to find a way to advance and use renewable energy; making it efficient and profitable so that everyone is happy and the earth is allowed to recuperate and heal. When this is done we shouldn't have any more energy problems so we won't need to continue advancing we will find the place where advancement will settle nothing other than curiosity and intellectual need.

          In the field of transportation, I think if transportation is nearing its technological advancement end it might be a good thing. The various forms of transportation are the way humans move about the earth, but we are more concerned with how we look and how comfortable it is rather than is it perfectly safe. I think all other advancements should come to a stop till moving about is so completely safe the only way someone would get hurt is through acts of violence or suicide. After that is accomplished, I feel humans could go on forever looking for new ways to be stylish and comfortable.

          Now as for medicine I am surprised to as why we continue advancing. I am not saying  innocent people should die because we aren't advanced enough to fix it, but how are these advancements helping us? We started off calling sawing off peoples' limbs surgery and people were dieing from infections because no one new how to disinfect properly. So far our medical advancements have been good and there are few illnesses we can't battle and win.My question is is it good to continue though? It has been proven that advanced hospitals have less germs than those of less advanced, but those in the less advanced hospitals are weaker and more easily battled than those at advanced hospitals. Is this good I am not so sure. What happens when we find a way to cure cancer? Will everything be perfect or will some disease that is stronger but hidden from view surface and kill more people than cancer?

          Technological advancement is good yes, but will it always be? We have been killing our environment and overusing our resources as a result of these advancements. But, we have also cured many diseases, made global communication easier, and are finding ways to be more earth friendly. These things are good so I have entered myself into a controversy, many questions and few answers.

Friday, October 18, 2013

10/18 assignment

Technology Evolution

RCV Group
Miriam Vazquez
Sam Dannenberg 
Alfredo Burdwell
Max Ruesch

Energy – fossil fuels are going to run out
                        -> Then we use solar power and nuclear
Medicine- when antibiotics don’t work
                        -> We’ll use robots/nano-bots to fight disease
Phones- hand held object will become absolute
                        -> Man king likes to develop convenient stuff
                                    i.e. contact lenses, phone watch
                        -> Plants that water themselves
Transportation- car: driving is obsolete
                        -> Automatic driving cars are the machines of the future

USU students run dragster with algal fuel

USU agriculture, chemistry and engineering students join forces to compete the algae-powered dragster in the World of Speed competition.
USU agriculture, chemistry and engineering students join forces to compete the algae-powered dragster in the World of Speed competition. Photo: Terry D. Call

After a successful 2012 race season powered with yeast biodiesel, the Aggie A-Salt Streamliner, as the dragster is officially known, topped 73 miles per hour this week during its algae-fueled debut. The roadster, with a .8 liter engine, was among competitors at the Southern California Timing Association’s 65th Anniversary Speed Week held Aug. 10-16, 2013, at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats. Read more here..  

possibile evolution in technology

Technology wise, we are still evolving.
 Cellphones could be obsolete in around 15 to 20 years. To replace cell phones we could use a holographic type of communication that would enable us to communicate with a life size hologram that would answer questions and show expressions of the individual we are talking to.
Agriculture wise, we would no longer have to wait a couple months to harvest the crops, we could decide the time it takes to grow the crop. This would be done by putting the seed of the desired crop into a dome like structure that has a timer. This dome structure will use a chemical enhancement that would increase cell division within the plant, making it grow faster.
 Transportation will probably change the most in the next 20-30 years. We will no longer need to burn fossil fuels; it would be replaced by electric/solar energy batteries will be more advanced and will be able to carry a stronger charge in a smaller lightweight size of battery that preforms well in the car. There might even be teleportation and traveling at the speed of light.   

Dennis, Lucas, Noel, Jonathan, Sammy

3 TED talks that still blow my mind

How about taking a picture with your hands, then sending it by email from the nearest wall? Or turning a piece of paper into a laptop, like that scene on the train in the Caprica pilot? Or pinching a graph on a piece of paper to copy it to your computer? 

Tabletop Device that can Destroy Chemical Weapons

For our gorup,
Solid State Drives (SSD) are improving speeds and capacity on modern computing. They allow for marked improvements above oder models of Hard Drive Disks (HDD)

Cicada wings inspire new ideas for antibacterial products


Here’s another reason to love cicadas: A new study has found that tiny structures on cicada wings can kill bacteria through physical and not chemical means.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Ray Kurzweil on Technology
Exponential growth of technology.  It's interesting to see . how soon we will approach Singularity. The paradigm shift rate (i.e., the overall rate of technical progress) is currently doubling (approximately) every decade; that is, paradigm shift times are halving every decade (and the rate of acceleration is itself growing exponentially). So, the technological progress in the twenty-first century will be equivalent to what would require (in the linear view) on the order of 200 centuries. In contrast, the twentieth century saw only about 25 years of progress (again at today’s rate of progress) since we have been speeding up to current rates. So the twenty-first century will see almost a thousand times greater technological change than its predecessor. "

Ray Kurzweil inventor, futurist and technologist, has an idea about this called: "The Law of Accelerating Returns".  This essay promotes some wild ideas like this one: "Within a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to The Singularity — technological change so rapid and profound it represents a rupture in the fabric of human history."  Kurzweil

Friday, October 11, 2013

Raspberry Pi Microwave


Because normal microwaves are too mainstream. Check out the Raspberry Picrowave here !

Friday, October 4, 2013

Teen inventor uses 3D printing to revolutionize prosthetics

"I would never have imagined that something I made in my bedroom would be shaking hands with the President," says 17-year-old Easton LaChappelle. But that's exactly what happened when LaChappelle got to visit the White House Science Fair and present the robotic prosthetic arm that he 3D-printed and built in his bedroom lab. (Read more!)

Breakthrough: Robotic limbs moved by the mind


In a decade of war, more than 1,300 Americans have lost limbs on the battlefield. And that fact led the Department of Defense to start a crash program to help veterans and civilians by creating an artificial arm and hand that are amazingly human. But that's not the breakthrough. We don't use that word very often because it's overused. But when you see how they have connected this robotic limb to a human brain, you'll understand why we made an exception. (Read more!)

DARPA developing muscle-controlled prosthetic limbs that can feel (video)

DARPA's no stranger to bionic limb research, however two new projects under the agency's RE-NET program focus on improving amputees' link to their prosthetics. RE-NET aims to develop the technology that will connect artificial limbs to existing nerves and muscles. (Read more!)

Synth Skin for Robo-Limbs

It’s not enough to have thought-controlled, artificial limbs that can let wearers type, cook, and play the piano just as easily as they had organic hands. Pentagon-backed researchers want the prosthetics to feel like real limbs, too. So they’re creating patches of synthetic skin that’ll provide direct feedback to the brain. (Read more!)

3D Printed ‘Robohand’ Replaces Lost Fingers for Cheap

Denis Farrell / AP
Laas now uses a relatively inexpensive, arguably unprecedented hand prosthesis custom-crafted by a 3D printer. ”It looks cool. It makes me look like Darth Vader,”

tesla coil music

tesla coil plays ghostbusters

Energy Efficient Homes TEDxTheEvergreenStateCollege

A Jewel at the Heart of Quantum Physics

Artist’s rendering of the amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions.  
Illustration by Andy Gilmore

Artist’s rendering of the amplituhedron, a newly discovered mathematical object resembling a multifaceted jewel in higher dimensions. Encoded in its volume are the most basic features of reality that can be calculated — the probabilities of outcomes of particle interactions.

Physicists have discovered a jewel-like geometric object that dramatically simplifies calculations of particle interactions and challenges the notion that space and time are fundamental components of reality. (Read more about this!)

GuideIN Tube: The Self-Guided Intubation Robot

Robot can crawl to your lungs

click here to see article

Omnidirectional Treadmill

AKA the Virtuix Omni..

Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature

Thursday, October 3, 2013

The new Split device promises a small and hands free alternative for music on the go. Using bites as commands the hearing aid sized ear-buds can change and shuffle your music. they currently have a limited capacity of 24 songs, however.
this is from a kick-starter project.

How Human Do We Want Our Robots To Look?

Technology and Innovation Project
Course Description:
Essential Question:  What is the importance of technology?  How/why do we use technology, and how does it influence our lives?
Some would argue that the 'wheel' was humankind's first contribution to technology.  It all started with the wheel…or did it?  What was important about the wheel?  Was the wheel a simple, often ignored piece of technology that forever changed the face of human nature?  Was it for the good of mankind and did it help growth and commerce?  Was it for the bad and contributed to the spread of war and disease?  Has the invention of the wheel changed us? 
We want you to think about technology in these terms. And, as a consequence of your thoughts, you will be examining the significance of technology--its cultural, economic and social significance.  In small groups you will be working on projects that include 3-5 students to discover, analyze and create a significant contribution to our community with new and emerging technology as the focus. Your projects will largely be self-directed with the support of TMP staff, materials and guidance.  Grades from this project will be integrated into TMP classes and will make up 20% of all English, Social Studies, Science and Math grades.  Students not taking TMP classes will receive credit for their work as well.
This project meets every Friday in the classroom or field from 9:30 to 12:00.  Attendance is mandatory.  There will be several field trips throughout the semester that will take all day, in which students will be released at 4:00. 
Field Trips:
There will be several all-day field trips planned for this project throughout the semester.  Whenever possible TMP will provide transportation.  Any field trips outside of Santa Fe will be provided by TMP, others may require you to provide your own transportation.
Major Assignments:
Grades for this project will be based on project assignments and participation.  Excellence is expected and assignments must be turned in on time for full credit. Larger assignments will be valued at 100 points.  The grades will be based on rubrics that assess for the following:
Summaries:  In your own words, you will need to summarize three articles relating to your research project.  The articles need to come from at least three different sources.  Wikipedia will not be allowed to be used as a source.  Every attempt will be made to use the highest level of research available. You will be expected to use scholarly journals (SFCC library)  and Internet approved materials and books.  Any outside research sources that require additional funding, such as the purchase of science kits (Raspberry Pi, Raspiro Robot, etc) will require your group to write a funding request and TMP will purchase the required materials.
Project Proposal: Your group will need to put together a project proposal which describes what you are going to do for your research project including all the details on the rubric. The group will present the project proposal to the school at a gathering. 100 points
Research Paper:  Each student will need to write their own research paper.  This is not a group research paper; however you may collaborate by peer review.  This is expected.  Data will be collected throughout the semester on field trips and during in-class research.  Each group will select their own research topic relating to New and Emerging technologies. 150 points.
Some possible topics are:
·         Mobile tech. (phones, laptops, etc.)
·         Energy and fuel (biomass, biowalls, etc.)
·         Community tech. (trains, crowdsourcing, etc)
·         Robotics (helping autistic children)
·         3-D modeling
·         Environmental/Terraforming
·         Planetary exploration
·         ISS lab experiments
·         Free Wi-Fi
·         Biomimicry
Blog:  Each student and group will be required to keep up with postings to the blog. You will be posting information about your group and your project to the blog.  The blog at is where you can submit your postings.
End of Semester Reflection: At the end of the semester a 500 word reflection on your project will be due.
Project Product:  Each group will need to create a project product that they will use in their final presentation.
Possible project products are:
·         Webpage/Poster
·         Powerpoint/Video
·         Public service presentation
·         Mural/Flipbook
·         Art display
·         Computer model
·         Mobile App
·         A Gadget

Due Dates: Will be assigned each week.  You will have homework although it will not  be frequent.

Possible Field Trips:
·         Bradbury Science Museum - Los Alamos
·         Space Port America - Truth or Consequences
·         White Sands -
·         Very Large Array - Socorro
·         Santa Fe Institute -
·         Galisteo Basin Preserve Star Party
·         Sandia Labs Hydrogen Fuel Competition

Power from your clothes!

Power up your clothes.

Raffaello D'Andrea: The astounding athletic power of quadcopters

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

T8 the Bio Inspired 3D Printed Spider Octopod Robot

Disney Researchers Create A Way To Make Geared Figures That Look Amazingly Life-Like

For centuries the creation of geared automata has been sort of a dark art. To design a mechanical device to move like a human or animal was a trick in itself and to build the gears and rods necessary to propel the thing was even trickier. A team of Disney researchers, however, have created a system that will let puppeteers... (Read more!)