What will become of it?
What changes will occur?
How will it look?
In the field of energy I think we will need to change our course soon. Using fossil fuels as we are will cause the prices to go up as the resources are depleted. So, we need to find a way to advance and use renewable energy; making it efficient and profitable so that everyone is happy and the earth is allowed to recuperate and heal. When this is done we shouldn't have any more energy problems so we won't need to continue advancing we will find the place where advancement will settle nothing other than curiosity and intellectual need.
In the field of transportation, I think if transportation is nearing its technological advancement end it might be a good thing. The various forms of transportation are the way humans move about the earth, but we are more concerned with how we look and how comfortable it is rather than is it perfectly safe. I think all other advancements should come to a stop till moving about is so completely safe the only way someone would get hurt is through acts of violence or suicide. After that is accomplished, I feel humans could go on forever looking for new ways to be stylish and comfortable.
Now as for medicine I am surprised to as why we continue advancing. I am not saying innocent people should die because we aren't advanced enough to fix it, but how are these advancements helping us? We started off calling sawing off peoples' limbs surgery and people were dieing from infections because no one new how to disinfect properly. So far our medical advancements have been good and there are few illnesses we can't battle and win.My question is is it good to continue though? It has been proven that advanced hospitals have less germs than those of less advanced, but those in the less advanced hospitals are weaker and more easily battled than those at advanced hospitals. Is this good I am not so sure. What happens when we find a way to cure cancer? Will everything be perfect or will some disease that is stronger but hidden from view surface and kill more people than cancer?
Technological advancement is good yes, but will it always be? We have been killing our environment and overusing our resources as a result of these advancements. But, we have also cured many diseases, made global communication easier, and are finding ways to be more earth friendly. These things are good so I have entered myself into a controversy, many questions and few answers.
Now as for medicine I am surprised to as why we continue advancing. I am not saying innocent people should die because we aren't advanced enough to fix it, but how are these advancements helping us? We started off calling sawing off peoples' limbs surgery and people were dieing from infections because no one new how to disinfect properly. So far our medical advancements have been good and there are few illnesses we can't battle and win.My question is is it good to continue though? It has been proven that advanced hospitals have less germs than those of less advanced, but those in the less advanced hospitals are weaker and more easily battled than those at advanced hospitals. Is this good I am not so sure. What happens when we find a way to cure cancer? Will everything be perfect or will some disease that is stronger but hidden from view surface and kill more people than cancer?
Technological advancement is good yes, but will it always be? We have been killing our environment and overusing our resources as a result of these advancements. But, we have also cured many diseases, made global communication easier, and are finding ways to be more earth friendly. These things are good so I have entered myself into a controversy, many questions and few answers.