Friday, November 8, 2013

Piezoelectricity facts

Piezoelectricity is electricity created from pressure, hence the prefix piezo, meaning pressure, and derived from the Greek word Piezein, which means to squeeze, or to press.

 Piezoelectricity can occur in crystals, certain ceramics, bone, and DNA, and can be used for converting kinetic energy into electrical energy, and therefore is useful for what would otherwise be wasted energy.

Piezoelectrics can be mounted on shoes and floors to capture energy.

Piezoelectricity also happens in the human body.

Piezoelectricity can be used to convert audio signals into electric ones, allowing for voice commands in computers

Piezoelectricity is used in non-lethal weaponry, such as stun guns that fire electric bullets

Piezoelectricity could be used to power watches with human kinetic energy

Quartz Watches use piezoelectricity to stay accurate

Piezoelectricity is nothing new. In fact, it was discovered over a hundred years ago, in 1880 by Jacques and Pierre Curie.

The first use for piezoelectricity was sonar, which was developed during the first World War

Piezoelectricity happens in most non-centosymmetric materials.

This last line is just here to fill space.

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