Thursday, December 12, 2013

i found this by accident but it is still cool

and who says there is no rock?
daja vu anyone?
 with all this i hope Scott has some memorys.

Mobile tactile tech gets physical

Friday, December 6, 2013

Technology exists to find aliens.

Scientists petitioned congress to grant them enough of a budget to fund the search for earth like worlds.

New prosthetic hand technology lets amputees feel again

Pretty rad though.

Smart Energy: Increasing Energy Efficiency with Smart Grids and Sensors

Microsoft: US government is an 'advanced persistent threat'

"Brad Smith, Microsoft's EVP of Legal and Corporate Affairs, labeled the American government as an "advanced persistent threat" in a December 4 post on The Official Microsoft Blog.
The term advanced persistent threat (APT) refers to an attacker, usually an organized group of malicious attackers, that should be considered harmful and dangerous — and an overall method of attack that plays a "long game."

Drone delivering packages in the (near) future

Have you ever thought, hey I want to buy something off the internet and get it now. Well in early 2016 or later 2015, we will have a system that will allow you to get you internet purchases within 30 minutes. How bout that.(Click here to learn more)

Mothers of Invention: "Turning Play to Power"

Car Tires Made From Plants


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Way to fix eye sight?

A way to try and improve retinal technology  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fido, version 2.0

This is a really cool book. Anyone interested in genetics, evolution, or emerging biotechnology should check it out. It's about various businesses and universities that have dabbled in altering the genes of different animals and the modern market of animal cloning. Here is a interview with the author done by National Public Radio.

Friday, November 22, 2013

New Xbox One Released Today

Latest XBox council.

Flying Car! - Mihail Gorges

Apparently street-legal car that you can drive to the airport and fly. I'm sure you need some sort of special license.

Vigin Galactic Now Accepts Bitcoin

Lazarus Frog

An Australian project had returned an extinct species of frog to life.
This technology could be used to save other animals that are on the brink of disappearing.

Engineered Bacteria Could Help Combat Deadly Disease of Sleeping Sickness

A new study, reported in the open-access journal PLoS Neglected Tropical Diseases, has shown that two bacteria – one of them genetically modified – could help reduce or even eliminate the deadly disease African trypanosomiasis, also known as sleeping sickness.

Breakthrough in Achieving Self-Sustaining Nuclear Fusion

"Researchers at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory in California have made a major breakthrough toward achieving self-sustaining nuclear fusion."

a benini motor/ generator

Non-Newtonian creature from inside the speaker

3700 year old wine

Venus Orbits has a new flavor!


(Allow the Wu Tang clan to rap to you about the Big Bang ~)

Piezoelectric shower

Pretty interesting stuff.

Janine Benyus: 12 sustainable design ideas from nature

Bitcoin up $700 in the past 20 days


Bitcoins becoming viable currency

Bitcoins becoming mainstream 

Bitcoins really are becoming a viable way to buy things online.

Monday, November 18, 2013

Well thats unfortunate

Researchers identify ocean clam as the oldest living animal after killing it


HI, Well HI in past tense

Read more

Friday, November 15, 2013

Invisible Bike Helmets

Sky found this, and wanted to share it with you all! Invisible bike helmets. Thanks Europe!

Fastest Propeller Plane On Earth - Misha Gorges


PS4 Came out, so what do you need to know?

Well the PS4 is probably one of the coolest looking machines ever made. It looks like its from space thats how OG it is. So Ill link you to an awesome article about what you need to know about the dream machine.

GPS Bullets

New technology could mean the end of high speed chases, thanks to a new technology allowing police to track cars without following them.
Really cool NASA map!

Piezoelectricity explained

It's a must watch you will be amazed!!

Possibly getting paralyzed individuals to walk in the future.

Crazy awesome

real holograms

The Airpod

The Airpod, which is an Indian car that runs on compressed air. The predicted price is a relatively low one, at ten thousand dollars.
Can we achieve web neutrality with this new technology?
-Sam Dannenberg
A Self Assembling Molecular Train Set

Piezoelectricity and more

Early Thanksgiving treat

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Before you begin working on your project, email me the following information:
Name of your group:
Your name:
Write a detailed paragraph about what contribution you will be making to your group project.  For example, if you are in charge of putting the poster together, write down precisely what you will be doing for your project.  Email this to me before you begin working on your project.
100 points.

We only have the following dates left:
November 15, 22 and December 6.  The project presentations will be December 13.

Your 2-page paper, describing why you picked your particular project, research involved and impact the technology you have chosen will be due December 13 or earlier if you wish. 

Make your weekly blog post now!!!!!  Or comment on someone else's blog.  

Friday, November 8, 2013

Piezoelectricity facts

Piezoelectricity is electricity created from pressure, hence the prefix piezo, meaning pressure, and derived from the Greek word Piezein, which means to squeeze, or to press.

 Piezoelectricity can occur in crystals, certain ceramics, bone, and DNA, and can be used for converting kinetic energy into electrical energy, and therefore is useful for what would otherwise be wasted energy.

Piezoelectrics can be mounted on shoes and floors to capture energy.

Piezoelectricity also happens in the human body.

Piezoelectricity can be used to convert audio signals into electric ones, allowing for voice commands in computers

Piezoelectricity is used in non-lethal weaponry, such as stun guns that fire electric bullets

Piezoelectricity could be used to power watches with human kinetic energy

Quartz Watches use piezoelectricity to stay accurate

Piezoelectricity is nothing new. In fact, it was discovered over a hundred years ago, in 1880 by Jacques and Pierre Curie.

The first use for piezoelectricity was sonar, which was developed during the first World War

Piezoelectricity happens in most non-centosymmetric materials.

This last line is just here to fill space.

Thursday, November 7, 2013

ASK NAO : Shape the path

Aldebaran Robotics' Nao

Contact me if you are interested in getting one of these incredible robots as a project and working with autistic children as a service.  There is research that these robots can actually help children with their autism.  Let me know. 

Shelley, Stanford's Robotic Car, Hits the Track

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Monday, November 4, 2013

What Lurks Beneath The Earth's Surface

Invading the planet's interior today is an essential undertaking, says Brenda J. Buck, a geoscientist at the . "There is much we have to learn about how our interaction with the Earth affects the Earth and all other living things, and how our interaction with the Earth affects ourselves."

For example, many naturally occurring materials are extremely dangerous to our health, explains Brenda, who focuses on medical geology. She names two: arsenic and asbestos. Both substances occur in nature, and asbestos has even been mined for use in many everyday applications. (Read more!)

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Israel knows water technology, and it wants to cash in

Israel’s total water consumption remains nearly at 1964 levels — even though its population has quadrupled to 8 million people, according to the Israeli economic ministry. “They say that necessity is the mother of invention, and that is clearly the case in Israel,” (Read more)

Friday, November 1, 2013
Ethanol conversion kit for a toyota 2rz-fe, support the mini pickup.

Ferrari wins first Formula one race with cellulosic ethanol blend

Ferrari wins first Formula one race with cellulosic ethanol blend

Corvette Racing and several other teams in the American Le Mans Series (ALMS) have been running on cellulosic ethanol for two years now but the alcohol fuel made its first appearance in Formula One this past weekend. New F1 regulations for 2010 require a small component of oxygenated fuel. Ferrari and its fuel supplier Shell have developed a blend that contains cellulosic ethanol to provide the oxygen component. Read more here..

Electricity Basics
Final Project for Technology and Innovation. 
Monday, December 16th TMP will be hosting Project Presentations.
Your group will be responsible for making a brief (5 minute) presentation on what you have learned about the particular technology you have been researching.
The projects can be developed in a variety of ways.

1. A scientific poster presentation
(What you see is an outline – this is not the finished product.
 2. A short video.  The video is especially useful if your project has moving parts or includes a variety of technologies. Include all of your group members explaining the various parts of your project.
3.  A scientific powerpoint presentation:
This is similar to the scientific poster presentation, however it offers a variety of sizes.  We can choose a larger size and print it for you at the SFCC print shop.
4.  A demonstration of a working model of your project.

All project members must write a 2-page paper (or longer) describing why you picked your particular project, what was involved in the research and what you think the impact of the technology you have chosen will have on society. 

Powers of 10

Monday, October 21, 2013

Technology and advancements

What will become of it?
What changes will occur?
How will it look?
          In the field of energy I think we will need to change our course soon. Using fossil fuels as we are  will cause the prices to go up as the resources are depleted. So, we need to find a way to advance and use renewable energy; making it efficient and profitable so that everyone is happy and the earth is allowed to recuperate and heal. When this is done we shouldn't have any more energy problems so we won't need to continue advancing we will find the place where advancement will settle nothing other than curiosity and intellectual need.

          In the field of transportation, I think if transportation is nearing its technological advancement end it might be a good thing. The various forms of transportation are the way humans move about the earth, but we are more concerned with how we look and how comfortable it is rather than is it perfectly safe. I think all other advancements should come to a stop till moving about is so completely safe the only way someone would get hurt is through acts of violence or suicide. After that is accomplished, I feel humans could go on forever looking for new ways to be stylish and comfortable.

          Now as for medicine I am surprised to as why we continue advancing. I am not saying  innocent people should die because we aren't advanced enough to fix it, but how are these advancements helping us? We started off calling sawing off peoples' limbs surgery and people were dieing from infections because no one new how to disinfect properly. So far our medical advancements have been good and there are few illnesses we can't battle and win.My question is is it good to continue though? It has been proven that advanced hospitals have less germs than those of less advanced, but those in the less advanced hospitals are weaker and more easily battled than those at advanced hospitals. Is this good I am not so sure. What happens when we find a way to cure cancer? Will everything be perfect or will some disease that is stronger but hidden from view surface and kill more people than cancer?

          Technological advancement is good yes, but will it always be? We have been killing our environment and overusing our resources as a result of these advancements. But, we have also cured many diseases, made global communication easier, and are finding ways to be more earth friendly. These things are good so I have entered myself into a controversy, many questions and few answers.

Friday, October 18, 2013

10/18 assignment

Technology Evolution

RCV Group
Miriam Vazquez
Sam Dannenberg 
Alfredo Burdwell
Max Ruesch

Energy – fossil fuels are going to run out
                        -> Then we use solar power and nuclear
Medicine- when antibiotics don’t work
                        -> We’ll use robots/nano-bots to fight disease
Phones- hand held object will become absolute
                        -> Man king likes to develop convenient stuff
                                    i.e. contact lenses, phone watch
                        -> Plants that water themselves
Transportation- car: driving is obsolete
                        -> Automatic driving cars are the machines of the future

USU students run dragster with algal fuel

USU agriculture, chemistry and engineering students join forces to compete the algae-powered dragster in the World of Speed competition.
USU agriculture, chemistry and engineering students join forces to compete the algae-powered dragster in the World of Speed competition. Photo: Terry D. Call

After a successful 2012 race season powered with yeast biodiesel, the Aggie A-Salt Streamliner, as the dragster is officially known, topped 73 miles per hour this week during its algae-fueled debut. The roadster, with a .8 liter engine, was among competitors at the Southern California Timing Association’s 65th Anniversary Speed Week held Aug. 10-16, 2013, at Utah’s Bonneville Salt Flats. Read more here..  

possibile evolution in technology

Technology wise, we are still evolving.
 Cellphones could be obsolete in around 15 to 20 years. To replace cell phones we could use a holographic type of communication that would enable us to communicate with a life size hologram that would answer questions and show expressions of the individual we are talking to.
Agriculture wise, we would no longer have to wait a couple months to harvest the crops, we could decide the time it takes to grow the crop. This would be done by putting the seed of the desired crop into a dome like structure that has a timer. This dome structure will use a chemical enhancement that would increase cell division within the plant, making it grow faster.
 Transportation will probably change the most in the next 20-30 years. We will no longer need to burn fossil fuels; it would be replaced by electric/solar energy batteries will be more advanced and will be able to carry a stronger charge in a smaller lightweight size of battery that preforms well in the car. There might even be teleportation and traveling at the speed of light.   

Dennis, Lucas, Noel, Jonathan, Sammy