Thursday, December 12, 2013

i found this by accident but it is still cool

and who says there is no rock?
daja vu anyone?
 with all this i hope Scott has some memorys.

Mobile tactile tech gets physical

Friday, December 6, 2013

Technology exists to find aliens.

Scientists petitioned congress to grant them enough of a budget to fund the search for earth like worlds.

New prosthetic hand technology lets amputees feel again

Pretty rad though.

Smart Energy: Increasing Energy Efficiency with Smart Grids and Sensors

Microsoft: US government is an 'advanced persistent threat'

"Brad Smith, Microsoft's EVP of Legal and Corporate Affairs, labeled the American government as an "advanced persistent threat" in a December 4 post on The Official Microsoft Blog.
The term advanced persistent threat (APT) refers to an attacker, usually an organized group of malicious attackers, that should be considered harmful and dangerous — and an overall method of attack that plays a "long game."

Drone delivering packages in the (near) future

Have you ever thought, hey I want to buy something off the internet and get it now. Well in early 2016 or later 2015, we will have a system that will allow you to get you internet purchases within 30 minutes. How bout that.(Click here to learn more)

Mothers of Invention: "Turning Play to Power"

Car Tires Made From Plants


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Way to fix eye sight?

A way to try and improve retinal technology  

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Fido, version 2.0

This is a really cool book. Anyone interested in genetics, evolution, or emerging biotechnology should check it out. It's about various businesses and universities that have dabbled in altering the genes of different animals and the modern market of animal cloning. Here is a interview with the author done by National Public Radio.